Moulage par injection de silicone : Tout ce qu'il faut savoir

Silicone Injection Molding

An injection molding manufacturing technique is used to create items out of thermoplastic and thermosetting materials. The process entails putting the material into a heated barrel, mixing it, and injecting it forcefully into a mold cavity using a reciprocating screw or a ram injector. The injection-molded object is then dried to conform to the shape […]

Moulage par injection de métal : Tout ce qu'il faut savoir

MIM Technology

Anyone planning to adopt the MIM technology may be curious to explore ‘what is metal injection molding.’  Being a modern technology, MIM is an ideal solution serving as metal manufacturing technology. In addition, this technology is relatively standard among the advanced and updated metal manufacturing factories and businesses out there.  Fortunately, with plenty of unique […]

Processus de microbillage : Une introduction complète pour les débutants

Sablage de perles

Le microbillage est l'une des nombreuses finitions de surface disponibles pour un large éventail de pièces fabriquées. Il est largement utilisé pour donner un aspect lisse, propre et brillant à la surface des pièces en plastique ou en métal. Il peut être utilisé sur des pièces moulées par injection, des pièces imprimées en 3D, des pièces usinées par CNC, etc. Aujourd'hui, nous explorons les [...]

L'usinage CNC 5 axes : L'introduction la plus complète

5-axis CNC Machine

In the old days, people had no machining technologies and tools. Maybe a chisel and hammer were the exceptional tools that they had. But employing them at this advanced age would take years to complete a whole batch for a car manufacturer. Just imagine what Michelangelo could have done if he had access to CNC […]

Machines-outils à commande numérique : Choisir le bon outil pour l'usinage CNC

CNC machining is a revolutionary technology. With its a great many advantages, a range of diverse CNC cutting tools is one of them. These advanced and versatile machines offer different CNC machine tools for various operations, from milling to turning, drilling, or electrical discharge. A cutting tool is an instrument used to cut, shape, and […]

Sélection des matériaux CNC en 2023 : Un guide ultime

Matériaux CNC

Precision machining plays a central role in rapid prototyping and mass manufacturing in numerous sectors. Precision numerical control machining can perform several machining processes to create parts. It renders many distinctive benefits such as accuracy, excellent quality, and cost-effectiveness with superb processing efficiency and durability. To come up with the product qualities customers want, some […]

Classification des moules SPI : Une introduction complète aux normes et applications

Molds in SPI Standard in Prototool

The Society of Plastic Industry (SPI) designates 5 key standards for injection molding tooling. These standards help to guide the molding engineers to understand the suitability of the project for an injection molding process. It also helps to gazette the right type of mold to meet the client’s cost, quality, and production volume objectives. Today, […]

Qu'est-ce que l'usinage CNC : Un guide professionnel

CNC machining is a phenomenal technology. It meets the ever-changing demands of different manufacturing sectors. Precision technology evolved over the years and has become the backbone of numerous industries. Despite its large role, many people may still want to ask: what is CNC machining? Let’s read on to find out. In the modern manufacturing age, […]