Injection molding FAQ

If you are confused whether this service is meant for your business needs or not. Then don’t worry! You just contact us. We ask your requirements and your product use. After doing assessment, we will let you know if Spritzgießen is suitable for you or not. CONTACT US HERE!

We are exceptionally capable to provide reliable and efficient injection molding services. Our state of the art machinery and seasoned team makes us a leading player in this field. Our injection molding capabilities are plastic molding, insert molding, Überformungund Familienform.

Injection molding offers many manufacturing friendly advantages. Few include increased productivity, diverse material range, superb durability and efficiency, cost-effectiveness, high-precision Massenproduktion, capability to produce complex geometrical parts etc.

Die Dauer des Spritzgussverfahrens hängt im Allgemeinen von der Materialverfügbarkeit, der Komplexität des Designs, der erforderlichen Oberflächenqualität usw. und den Kundenanforderungen ab. Im Allgemeinen dauert es jedoch 7 bis 10 Tage, bis Ihr Projekt abgeschlossen ist.

CNC Machining FAQ

CNC-Bearbeitung is a process which is used for designing machine parts that may either be porotypes or ready to be put into mass production. Being one of the most popular processes for custom manufacturing, it can handle irregular geometries of intricate parts and even used to produce for mass production of parts once a prototype is approved.

Wir unterstützen eine Reihe von Dateiformaten, um sicherzustellen, dass wir den Anforderungen unserer Kunden stets gerecht werden. Dazu gehören die gängigen Formate .stp, .sldprt und .psm/.par. Darüber hinaus stellen wir sicher, dass wir bis zum Ende mit unseren Kunden zusammenarbeiten, damit sie ihr gewünschtes Ergebnis in Perfektion erhalten. Das ist der Wert, für den wir stehen.

At Prototool, not only do we have 3 axis and 4 axis CNC milling, but we also have 5 axis(HAAS) CNC milling services. All of these services provide excellent results except when you need finer quality results, we suggest 5-axis CNC milling service instead of 3 axis or 4 axis milling services. Moreover, our CNC turning service employee a variety of tools and state-of-the-art software that ensures your desired components are created with accuracy and precision.

Die CNC-Bearbeitung hat viele Vorteile zu bieten. Dazu gehören unter anderem Genauigkeit, Präzision, schnelle Durchlaufzeiten, Vielseitigkeit der Lösungen, die Fähigkeit, mit einer Reihe von Materialien zu arbeiten, und eine insgesamt wirtschaftliche Lösung im Vergleich zu anderen Lösungen auf dem Markt.

The cost of a CNC machined part is determined by the following four factors. 1) time required for machining, 2) type of material selected, 3) the geometry of the part to be machined, and 4) the startup cost of the project. Besides the stated requirements of the client, we try to make sure we take a course of action that leads to low cost without compromising the quality of the product produced. To determine cost for your project, you can request a free quote.

Urethane casting FAQ

You can send us an email to the [email protected], or submit online form by sending us the following information about your project: material requested, number of parts, finishes, and 2D/3D master files in your possession. Upon receipt of these items, we will send you a quote as soon as possible.

Our typical molds are made from silicone and made in two parts, a core und a cavity. We create a three-dimensional master pattern, print it, and then complete the mold by pouring the silicone around the master after. The customer can also provide the master pattern. We can also produce tooling with Urethane and aluminum, depending on requirements.

Twenty-five parts per mold per cavity is a standard. More or fewer parts are possible depending upon the material and geometry.

Multi cavity molds are a good option for production prototypes. We can make multiple cavities of the same part in the same mold. Additionally, the same mold may contain various parts. Thus, the same material allows us to set up, pour the parts, and de-mold all the parts simultaneously.

Urethane is a great option when building up product demand before spending more cost on injection mold tooling.

Rapid prototyping FAQ

Rapid prototyping is a quick method to evaluate the appearance and functionality of your design. Prototypen are also commonly used in business planning, where they can be demonstrated to possible future investors and customers.

Our rapid prototyping services are characterized by the breadth of our complementary services. CNC machining, vacuum throwing, plastic injection shaping, finishing, and expert design aid are among them.