
Digital Manufacturing Factory Featured Image

Today, we are in the midst of the fourth industrial revolution, which is being propelled by the overall digital manufacturing processes. Creators and consumers can use software to create digital twins of physical products, big and small. Augmented and virtual reality makes it possible to see and try these things. Cloud computing facilitates global electronic sourcing of the product’s components. Every component’s usage can be tracked and monitored along the supply chain. During this period, digital manufacturing companies mushroomed one by one. The fourth industrial revolution will likely be driven by the digitization of all stages of production. As opposed to earlier processes, which were spurred by new production techniques, […]


A Beginner’s Guide to Sheet Metal Fabrication Process 2022 featured image

Every day, we need metals. The usage of metal products in our day-to-day lives, whether personal or professional, is endless. With growing usage comes growing manufacturing demand in efficient ways. One of the most common means of metal manufacturing is the “sheet metal fabrication process.” The process of making things out of sheet metal has gotten better over the years. The manufacturing industry has advanced extensively, especially regarding the sheet metal fabrication process. Because of this progress, there are now many advanced ways to make metal that increase productivity and cut costs. Different types of sheet metal fabrication processes use different manufacturing methods to shape metal sheets into the desired […]



ウレタン鋳造は、ブリッジの生産によく使われる少量生産技術です。ブリッジ生産という言葉が聞き慣れない場合は、初期の試作品と大量生産の間の「橋渡し」をする生産技術を考えてみてください。ブリッジ生産は、多くの企業にとって、試作品のレベルにとどまることができない場合に、高価な量産費用を負担することなく生産を拡大するのに役立ちます。ウレタン鋳造は、マーケティング、ビジネス・ピッチ、あるいは社内のアイデア・テストに役立つそっくりなモデルを作る最も効率的な方法のひとつです。ウレタン鋳造では、複雑な形状の部品を少量生産することができ、すぐに使用することができます。一般的に、ウレタン鋳造は [...] 続きを読む