Spritzgießmaterial: Gängige Typen und was zu verwenden ist

Material für Spritzgießen

Materials for plastic injection molding have names that resemble chemistry class words. The fact that polypropylene rhymes with polythene and has a similar acronym (PP) to polystyrene makes it difficult enough (PS). Knowing your application needs, which might vary between prototype and production, is especially important when choosing the right injection molding material. The good […]

Injection Molding Process: The Most Complete Summary Of Pros & Cons

Operating a Plastic Injection Molding Machine

Plastic and plastic molding is one of the biggest industry sectors at this date and time. This industry works on developing different plastic parts with the help of different kinds of plastic materials to make new ones. The (plastic) injection molding process is one of the most commonly used processes in the plastic manufacturing industry […]