O que faz as melhores empresas de fabrico digital?

Fábrica de fabrico digital Imagem em destaque

Atualmente, estamos no meio da quarta revolução industrial, que está a ser impulsionada pelos processos globais de fabrico digital. Os criadores e os consumidores podem utilizar software para criar gémeos digitais de produtos físicos, grandes e pequenos. A realidade aumentada e virtual permite ver e experimentar esses produtos. A computação em nuvem facilita o comércio eletrónico global [...]

Processo de fabrico de chapa metálica: Aplicação industrial e fluxo de trabalho

A Beginner’s Guide to Sheet Metal Fabrication Process 2022 featured image

Every day, we need metals. The usage of metal products in our day-to-day lives, whether personal or professional, is endless. With growing usage comes growing manufacturing demand in efficient ways. One of the most common means of metal manufacturing is the “sheet metal fabrication process.” The process of making things out of sheet metal has […]

Urethane Casting: Simple Design Considerations

Urethane Casting

Urethane casting is a popular low-volume manufacturing technique commonly used for bridge production purposes. If the term bridge production is uncommon to you, consider a production technique that serves to “bridge” the gap between early prototyping and mass production. Bridge production helps many businesses to scale up production without incurring expensive mass production expenses when […]